Exhaustive instructions and FAQs on button batteries



Batteries come in different sizes and use. Some are rechargeable, while others are not. There is a wide variety of shapes, types, and uses, button battery is one of them, it can also be divided into rechargeable battery and non-rechargeable battery. If you own a button battery or coin battery, you need to know how they work. The most common button battery in the world is the CR2032 battery, which is sold in sets of 20 or more in retail stores. It is mainly used in clocks, remote controls, toys, calculators, and electronic games, and can also be used as a medical battery for hearing aids. 

This size of button battery was developed in the early 1980s. Experts developed coin batteries in the late 19th century. Specialists used them for telegraph equipment, battery-operated watches, and flashlights. These batteries consisted of half a dozen or so tiny zinc or silver discs that were about the size of a dime, connected into series to form a battery. Later, this type of battery was produced in sizes ranging from small change to large devices and power tools. This article unfolds the critical questions on the two batteries and issues surrounding their usage. Let's take you through.

1. What is the button battery? Is a coin battery the same as a button battery?

The button battery is a coin-shaped cell, which is a general term for a type of flat and small single cylindrical battery whose height is smaller than its diameter. According to the electrochemical type, it can be divided into non-lithium button cells (button cells, such as LR44 alkaline button cells) and lithium coin cells (coin cells, such as CR2032 lithium manganese button cells). Button batteries are small in size, with a diameter of up to 32mm and thicknesses ranging from 1mm to 11mm. They are inexpensive and convenient to use.

Among them, CR2032 is the most common one, this type of battery has a diameter of 20mm and a thickness of 3.2mm, consists of 2 lithium batteries connected in series to provide 3 volts. Button batteries are widely used in various consumer and household products, such as toys, clocks, calculators, car keys, cameras, electronic scales and musical greeting cards and so on.. A button battery is similar to a coin battery. Its similarities are seen in the size and shape, but this battery has two small silver or zinc plates in the middle instead of silver or zinc discs.

2. How does a button battery work?

A button battery is a type of cell. A chemical reaction inside the battery produces electricity which is then used to do work, such as power a digital watch or run a motor in an electric toy. The chemical reaction occurs between two electrodes. Electrodes are made from conductive materials such as silver and copper, specifically designed to allow electrons to flow more easily from one electrode to another. This is translated to power inside the batteries.

3. Where do you find button batteries? What are the application scenarios of a button battery?

Button batteries are commonly found in toys and hearing aids. They are also used in calculators, remote controls, keyless entry devices, watches, and other small household devices. There may be several button batteries in a tiny device such as a digital watch or an electric toy car since the amount of power they can provide is very limited. But at times, there will only be one single battery powering a device.

Where do you find button batteries What are the application scenarios of a button battery

4. Are all button batteries the same? Are there rechargeable button cell batteries?

No, there are two types of button batteries. One is non-rechargeable, and the other is rechargeable. Common rechargeable button batteries include 3.6V rechargeable Li-ion coin cell (LIR series) and 3V rechargeable Li-ion coin cell (ML or VL series). Non-rechargeable ones include 3V lithium manganese button batteries (CR series) and 1.5V alkaline zinc manganese button batteries (LR and SR series). Most of the button batteries on all kinds of cheap electronic products that are common in daily life are traditional disposable (non-rechargeable) type, which are low in price and simple in processing technology.

Today, in order to meet consumers' high endurance, high safety and personalized needs for electronic products, new rechargeable button batteries with higher energy density, various specifications and materials have emerged as the times require. Disposable (non-rechargeable) button batteries usually start with the "CR" logo, while rechargeable ones usually have "LIR", "ML" or "VL" logos. Rechargeable button batteries (lithium ion battery) have a lower self-discharge rate when compared to conventional alkaline cells. They also have a higher cycle of life and better performance.

5. Is a CR2032 a lithium battery? What are lithium button batteries used for?

CR2032, also known as a lithium manganese coin cell battery, is a chemical battery with lithium metal as the anode and manganese dioxide as the cathode, it can be found in many devices such as hearing aids, pagers, and all kinds of toys. They are small in size yet have high capacity and long service life. This type of battery is often used in CMOS batteries on computer motherboards, other memory functions or power-off protection modules, electronic scales, calculators, electronic dictionaries and other products. It can also be used on the car remote control key.

Is a CR2032 a lithium battery What are lithium button batteries used for

CR2032 batteries are largely used in the portable device industry, especially where there is a need for frequent replacement. But the most popular application areas are hearing aid batteries and remote control batteries. It is worth noting that the battery of the CR series is a primary lithium manganese battery, so the CR2032 cannot be recharged.

6. How long does a button cell battery last? What is the longest-lasting button battery?

The lifespan of a button battery depends on the battery's capacity and the load that it is under. A typical CR2032 button battery can last from 2 to 5 years. But a lithium coin cell battery can last for an even longer duration. Today, some highly efficient, long-lasting batteries called super-capacity batteries can run as long as ten years.

7. What are the sizes of button batteries?

Because of its small size, button batteries have been widely used in various miniature electronic products, with diameters ranging from 4.8mm to 30mm and thicknesses ranging from 1.0mm to 7.7mm. The size and shape of the button battery depend on its application and the voltage it needs to power the device. For example, a button battery used in a watch may be a standard size, but one for auto remote control needs to have larger dimensions to supply enough voltage to turn on the motor.

8. What are the different types of button batteries? What's the difference between button batteries?

What are the different types of button batteries What's the difference between button batteries

There are many types of button batteries, most of which are named after the materials used, such as silver oxide batteries, lithium batteries, alkaline manganese batteries, etc. Some of these are rechargeable batteries while others are non-rechargeable primary batteries. According to their characteristics, people can use them in different applications. A CR2032 button battery is a type of non-rechargeable coin cell battery that needs to be replaced if it is nearly empty. The main difference between various button batteries is the material used in their production. Secondly, it is the voltage a button battery generates, ranging from 1V to 3V.

9. Is button battery poisonous to humans? What happens if you put a battery on your tongue?

If you swallow a button battery, you may feel chest pain and stomach cramps. If it is a lithium battery, you may also quickly risk an electrolyte imbalance. The danger of swallowing batteries can be reduced by keeping batteries in a secure place and out of reach of children.

Is button battery poisonous to humans What happens if you put a battery on your tongue

10. Summary

The size and shape of a button battery vary depending on its application. Lithium button batteries are used in the same applications but provide more power. The size and shape of a button battery vary depending on its application. As a kind of high capacity lithium ion battery, CR2032 button battery has the advantages of high specific energy, long storage period, small self-discharge, safe use, and wide operating temperature range, they can work normally in the range of -20~60℃. This information will help you next time you go to a shop to buy any batteries.